Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Day Dr.Mahathir Heard About Gold Dinar

Photo: This is the day Dr Mahathir heard about the Dinar: with my meeting him while he still was the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Many wonder why the “Dinar of Mahathir” did not work. I will tell you what went wrong. Mahathir took my idea and submitted to his bureaucrats who changed it round and transformed it into the “Malaysian Dinar Proposal”. He made three mistakes: 1] He thought (like many others) that the approach to bring the Dinar was from the top; he went to the OIC and the IDB to promote the Dinar. They were not interested or ready. 2] He wanted the Dinar to replace the US dollar, because –he said- it was worthless, but he did not want to replace the ringgit -although it is backed by “worthless” US dollar assets.  3] He forgot to mention the name of Allah, and without Allah the dinar is a worthless piece of metal.
The right approach is from the bottom up. The Dinar and Dirham must be a people’s revolution, because if somebody can “give” you freedom, it can also take it away from you:  freedom must be taken by yourself. And the Dinar must be a universal currency that replaces not only the US dollar but all the worthless paper monies. Finally, the reason we want the Dinar and the Dirham is because Allah has forbidden Riba; He has declared freedom to trade by mutual consent (which makes paper money worthless); and this is the currency mentioned by Allah and used by His Messenger, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. And Victory belongs to Allah.

This is the day Dr Mahathir heard about the Dinar: with my meeting him while he still was the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Many wonder why the “Dinar of Mahathir” did not work. I will tell you what went wrong. Mahathir took my idea and submitted to his bureaucrats who changed it round and transformed it into the “Malaysian Dinar Proposal”. 
He made three mistakes: 1] He thought (like many others) that the approach to bring the Dinar was from the top; he went to the OIC and the IDB to promote the Dinar. They were not interested or ready. 2] He wanted the Dinar to replace the US dollar, because –he said- it was worthless, but he did not want to replace the ringgit -although it is backed by “worthless” US dollar assets. 3] He forgot to mention the name of Allah, and without Allah the dinar is a worthless piece of metal.

The right approach is from the bottom up. The Dinar and Dirham must be a people’s revolution, because if somebody can “give” you freedom, it can also take it away from you: freedom must be taken by yourself. And the Dinar must be a universal currency that replaces not only the US dollar but all the worthless paper monies. 
Finally, the reason we want the Dinar and the Dirham is because Allah has forbidden Riba; He has declared freedom to trade by mutual consent (which makes paper money worthless); and this is the currency mentioned by Allah and used by His Messenger, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. And Victory belongs to Allah.
— with Hajj Abdassamad Clarke .

The man in the West....

Shaykh ibn al-Habib said: "The dhikr of the man of the West cures the man in the East". 
This is because creation in linked in a manner we cannot see by the Rububiyyah of Allah, subhana wa ta'ala. 
This is man of the West using the Dirham in Britain with sincerity. 
By Allah he has made capitalism smaller and the path to Mu'amalat one step closer. 
And Victory belongs to Allah. — with David Meddings.

Photo: Shaykh ibn al-Habib said: "The dhikr of the man of the West cures the man in the East". This is because creation in linked in a manner we cannot see by the Rububiyyah of Allah, subhana wa ta'ala. This is man of the West using the Dirham in Britain with sincerity. By Allah he has made capitalism smaller and the path to Mu'amalat one step closer. And Victory belongs to Allah.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

CHIEN: I CHING go to see a great man


 Nine at the beginning means:
 Hidden dragon. Do not act.

In China the dragon has a meaning altogether different from that given it in 
the Western world. The dragon is a symbol of the electrically charged, 
dynamic, arousing force that manifests itself in the thunderstorm. In winter 
this energy withdraws into the earth; in the early summer it becomes active 
again, appearing in the sky as thunder and lightning. As a result the creative 
forces on earth begin to stir again.
 Here this creative force is still hidden beneath the earth and therefore has 
no effect. In terms of human affairs, this symbolizes a great man who is still 
unrecognized. Nonetheless he remains true to himself. He does not allow 
himself to be influenced by outward success or failure, but confident in his 
strength, he bides his time. Hence it is wise for the man who consults the 
oracle and draws this line to wait in the calm strength of patience. The time 
will fulfill itself.  One need not fear least strong will should not prevail; the 
main thing is not to expend one's powers prematurely in an attempt to obtain 
by force something for which the time is not yet ripe.

 Nine in the second place means:
 Dragon appearing in the field.
 It furthers one to see the great man.

Here the effects of the light-giving power begin to manifest themselves. In 
terms of human affairs, this means that the great man makes his appearance 
in his chosen field of activity. As yet he has no commanding position but is 
still with his peers. However, what distinguishes him form the others is his 
seriousness of purpose, his unqualified reliability, and the influence he exerts 
on his environment with out conscious effort. Such a man is destined to 
gain great influence and to set the world in order. Therefore it is favorable to 
see him.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sarawak (East Malaysia) Rich in Gold ?

Tests suggest that new Sarawak gold mine may be one of the richest

mining gold bar 150x1501 Tests suggest that new Sarawak gold mine may be one of the richestRecently conducted tests suggest that a gold mine situated in the Jugan Hills of Central Bau, Sarawak could develop into one of the world’s richest.
A Canadian based gold mining company has carried out the tests and estimates that the area contains 50 million tonnes of gold. (Error = ounce/oz not 'tonnes').  The company, Olympus Pacific Materials Inc, are also carrying out feasibility studies of the area which are due to be completed in 2013.

The Central Bau region is a long established mining area having been mined intermittently since the middle of the 19th century.  It is estimated that since this time in excess of 71 million tonnes have been mined from this region alone.  This precious metal rich area lies within the Borneo belt where several other productive gold mines are situated including Kelian, Mamut and Mt Muro.
The Chief Executive Officer from Olympus, John Seton, issued a statement from Toronto confirming that tests have shown the new deposits of gold to be of industry standard and that this finding will allow the development of the gold mine in the Jugan Hills to go ahead as planned.

 Early reports indicate that it is likely to develop into one of the most important gold mines in Southeast Asia. John Seton went on to say in his statement that “these test results will be a tremendous boon to the Bau project as some people felt the refractory ore complex would hinder development at Jugan Hill”. With mines in Sarawak and Vietnam and an exploration project in the Philippines Olympus Pacific Materials Inc is a diverse gold production and exploration company.

(Report from www.goldmadesimplenews) 
dated 13.9.12 Kate Gerbirch (poor tonnes/oz)

1 million oz = 32.154 tonne metric.
Estimate of 50 million oz = 1,608 tonne of gold exist in Sarawak ?

Ulama Ustaz Modenis Sokong Bank Wang Fiat