Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pakistan Darul Ulum Terima Dinar Untuk Muamalat Islam

Karachi, Pakistan, 17 Juli 2012
Ulama Pakistan Dukung Dinar Dirham

Misi untuk mengembalikan muamalat dengan Dinar dan Dirham di Pakistan didukung penuh para ulama. Awal berakhirnya �ekonomi dan perbankan syariah.

Selain berbicara di forum terbuka dan umum dalam sebuah konferensi di Universitas Punjab, Shaykh Umar Ibrahim Vadillo melanjutkan muhibahnya di Pakistan dengan menemui para ulama. Ada dua �institusi penting di Pakistan yang mewadahi para ulama yang didatangi Shaykh Umar. Pertama Dar al-Ulum, Karachi, yang merupakan tempat pendidikan ulama terkemuka di Pakistan. Kedua, Jama'at Islamiya, organisasi Islam terbesar dan berpengaruh di negeri tersebut, yang �bermarkas besar di Lahore.

'Secara resmi ualama dan Mufti Dar al-Ulum telah mendukung �penerapan kembali Dinar dan Dirham. Kami bahkan telah membicarakan pengenalan Mata Uang Syariah di kampus. Ini �menjadikan perbankan syariah telah terkubur dan menjadi sejarah. Waktu �bagi Muamalat telah tiba,' lapor Shaykh Umar pada status FB pribadinya, Selasa, 17 Juli 2012 lalu.

Dukungan para ulama Pakistan ini, tentu saja, sangat penting. Terutama bila dipahami posisi �Jamaat Islamiya dalam sejarah Pakistan. Organisasi ini menjadi salah satu pendorong modernisasi Islam, yang melahirkan gerakan 'Islamisasi' di segala bidang, termasuk ekonomi yang menghasilkan 'perbankan syariah', yang merupakan praktek asing dalam Islam. Kini, mereka menghendaki kembali ke Muamalat, dengan Dinar dan Dirham sebagai salah satu pilarnya.�

Shaykh Umar juga menyebutkan telah bertemu dengan tokoh politik penting, mantan pemain kriket terkenal, yaitu Imran Khan. 'Dia sangat menyukai Dinar. Timnya juga sangat menyukai Dinar. Saya sedang bekerja dengan �sekumpulan orang yang �akan memastikan �membawa Dinar ke PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e �Insaf). Dan saya berdoa agar Allah memberikan petunjuk-Nya kepadanya,' ungkap Shaykh Umar. 

Infinite Paper Money - Usury Thru Banking

By.Dr.Abdal Hakim Murad, UK- 12 Oct.2009

Does this mean that it is wrong to own things? Of course not, as money and offspring can be positive things in the life of a believer, and we do of course have basic needs which need to be met. But we must remember that the pleasures of consumption are quickly gone, while lasting benefit comes only from using our wealth to uphold the rights of others; namely the orphan, the traveller, and the needy. Wealth is thus truly ours only once it has been given away.

Those who are genuinely distracted by worldly increase, and who make it an end in and of itself rather than as a means towards something better are in effect guilty of a form of idolatry. Ours is an age that has made idols of the great banks and finance houses, driven to frenzy by competition amongst billionaires who are kept awake at night by the thought that a rival might make a business deal more quickly than them. A banker who can asset strip companies and throw its employees out onto the street is someone who is in the grip of an obsession that has thrown him beyond of the normal frontiers of humanity.

Neo-classical economics has traditionally focused on four things: land, labour, capital and money, the first three of which are finite, while the fourth, money, is theoretically infinite, and is therefore where human greed has been particularly focussed. Thus arose a system where someone could, with approval, set up a bank with only £1, and then lend £100 using property and other assets promised by others as security.
The lender now has £100 including interest, which they earned by just sitting there and doing nothing. On the basis of this £100, they can then lend £1000, and on and on, until the cancerous growth lubricated by greed becomes so huge that it leads to a fundamental breakdown in the system. Such a system based on usury, with interest as the bizarre "price of money" which itself becomes a commodity, was once prohibited by all faiths. People had a simple and natural intuition that the commoditisation of a measurement of value would open the door to trading in unreal assets, and ultimately to a model of finance that would destroy natural restraints and even, potentially, the planet.
In the classical Islamic system, by contrast, money is the substance of either gold or silver. With a tangible and finite asset being the only measure of value, there is a great deal more certainty about the value of assets and the price of money. This basic wisdom was though not just a theoretical ideal; it succeeded. Muslim society at its height was mercantile, and it was successful. Never was money assigned its own value and never was it seen as an end in and of itself.

Since the abolition of the gold standard however, theoretical limits on the price of money were removed. Last year's meltdown, whose final consequences were unguessable, was a sign of the inbuilt dangers of a usurious world. Humans are naturally short-termist but in times of crisis we must take stock. As with the related environmental crisis, now is the time to be smarter and more self-restrained. The believer is in any case allergic to the mad amassing of wealth, since he or she expects true happiness and peace only in the remembering of God and in the next world.

Now is the time to think seriously about finding an economic system to replace the one whose dangers have just been revealed. Upon the conquest of Mecca, a verse of the Qur'an was revealed commanding people to give up what remained of their interest-based transactions, upon which a new system based on the value of gold and silver was initiated.

Those who relied so heavily on the old system would of course have been unable to understand a system without banking charges, but not only was such a system created but a successful civilisation was created using these ideas.

Last year we peered into the abyss; now we must apply self-restraint and wisdom, before complete catastrophe ensues.

Note: The dawn/rise/revival of islamic gold dinar and silver dirham money for muamalat
had take off in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, South Africa and Pakistan in 2011-2012....

Monday, July 2, 2012

Irma Hasmie-Redza Syah Ikut Sunnah : Mas Kahwin 3 Dinar

Utusan Malaysia pada 3 Julai 2012 (sisipan Hits muka surat 26) cuba mengelabui dan sengaja tidak melaporkan ......
Mas Kahwin 3 Dinar Mas ( amalan Sunnah dan hukum wang ayn)
 antara selebriti Irma Hasmie dan Redza Syah....tetapi hanya melaporkan :

 "dalam majlis yang cukup harmoni itu, pengantin perempuan 
telah menerima mas kahwin berjumlah RM2,220 dan hantaran RM33,333.33"

(...sebenarnya berat/nilai 3 Dinar Emas kekal selama-lamanya tidak berubah kecuali wang kertas yang akan jatuh/merosot kerana faktor inflasi, riba, pertukaran wang asing, IMF, Bank Dunia, hutang Kerajaan, kekuatan/kelemahan Ringgit dll.....jadi RM2,220 tiada makna lagi bila masa berubah..mungkin tak boleh beli walapun 1 Dinar Mas dalam 1 atau 2 tahun lagi....).



Ini waktu yang penuh dengan kesulitan. Ini adalah masa penuh bergelimang dengan riba. Tapi inilah waktu terbaik kita untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala. Beribu kesulitan, tetapi ada beribu kesempatan baik, untuk menyebut nama Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala.

Jalan untuk itu, untuk mendekatkan diri dengan Allah Ta'ala, adalah menegakkan kembali syariat muamalat dan rukun zakat. Hal penting dari hadirnya kembali Dinar dan Dirham, kata Shaykh Umar, adalah akan kembali digunakannya Dinar dan Dirham secara resmi untuk membayar zakat. Sebab zakat hanya bisa dibayar dengan 'ayn, tidak bisa dengan dayn, seperti uang kertas. Bahkan bila uang kertas itu mewakili koin emas atau perak (dayn).

Pembayaran zakat dengan uang kertas, selama ini, adalah akibat keadaan darurat - saat Dinar dan Dirham belum tersedia kembali. Dengan kembalinya Dinar dan Dirham di tangan para sultan, keadaan darurat ini telah berakhir. Sambil menuju kepada keadaan ideal, inilah saatnya bagi setiap Muslim untuk berbuat.

Ketika kebanyakan orang belum mengerti, atau enggan melakukannya, atau merasak sulit dengannya, justru inilah saat terbaik bagi kita untuk menjalankannya.

Selengkapnya silakan unduh dan simak pengajaran yang diberikan oleh Shaykh Umar pada salah satu sesi Dinihari Dinar, Kuala Lumpur, yang sangat bagus ini.