Thursday, September 22, 2011

Iktibar Sejarah USA Mengenai Wang Perak dan Emas

Kami bentangkan disini sejarah sebenar AS pada sekitar tahun 1930 -40an, bila Kerajaan menipu rakyat melalui tindakan mencetak/jual wang/bon/surat piutang kertas untuk menggantikan simpanan emas dan perak.....strategi puak kufar/yahudi mahu menjatuhkan sistem kewangan fitrah sejak 2000 tahun lampau.

Tahukah anda, kerajaan AS pernah menyimpan stok perak hingga 1.o bilion oz ? Bersamaan dengan 10.45 bilion keping wang dirham (= 31.1 b/2.975 gm). Jika dinilai harga perak semasa RM25/dirham, maka bernilai pasaran =RM261.3 bilion ! Cukup setiap rakyat AS dapat RM1,000 wang perak. Sebab dibawah Silver Purchase Act 1934, kerajaan AS wajib beli semua pengeluaran perak diatas harga pasaran. Kemudian boleh ditempa jadi koin US Silver dollar atau back-up wang kertas /sijil piutang perak (redeemable in silver).

Tatkala Perang Dunia 2 (1940-450), kerajaan AS telah menjual/mengdunakkan stok perak lebih 200 juta oz untuk tujuan pembuatan alatan perang......jadi tinggal 800 juta oz...atau kurang. Baca artikel menarik dibawah....

November 30, 2005
Antal E. Fekete
Professor Emeritus
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Not practicing what one preaches

I inadvertently opened a can of worms in writing the essay "Myth of the American Gold Standard" (FinancialSenseOnline, November 21, 2005.) I suggested that the reason the dollar has remained the world's reserve currency in spite of horrendous trade deficits, and in the face of increasing reluctance of foreign central banks to absorb more of it, is Mr. Greenspan's steadfast refusal to authorize the sale of U.S. gold. I went on prophesying that as soon as Mr. Bernanke does authorize it, the dollar will ignominiously fall from its high perch.

My critics fall into two broad categories: First, those readers who think that the Fed cannot authorize the sale in any manner, shape, or form as title to the gold is vested in the Treasury. Second, those readers who think that the gold stored at Fort Knox is long since gone: it has been sold or leased clandestinely. In answering the first group I can point out that, while it is true that the title belongs to the Treasury, the gold is encumbered by gold certificates held as an asset in the balance sheet of the Fed. The Fed was given them in exchange for gold fraudulently and unconstitutionally confiscated in 1933. To this extent the gold cannot be disposed of without explicit concurrence of the Fed. Mr. Greenspan demurred. He even went public with his demurral saying that the U.S. would be foolish to give up gold, hypocrisy of not practicing what it preaches notwithstanding.

Pulling the rug out from under the dollar

The Treasury would not comment on rumors about the sale of gold in use as backing for Federal Reserve notes. Such a clandestine way of disposing of the patrimony of the American people would be a disgraceful piece of business. It would show the moral bankruptcy of the government that lacks courage to inform the electorate about plans to pull the rug out from under the value of the dollar in selling the monetary asset securing it, the only asset which is not at the same time a liability in the balance sheet of others, and is therefore not subject to default and debasement: gold.

Not as if it would be unprecedented. It would't. During World War II silver was sold from under silver certificates. Because of this precedent it is not unthinkable that gold has been sold from under gold certificates in the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve banks. Gold may have been used to bribe governments to join American military adventures on foreign soil, for example. Such duplicity may be justified by a new twist in the interpretation of the word "globalization" to cover both military and monetary mischief.

Silver charade

Let me relate the little-known episode of the Treasury Department lending silver to the War Department under Lend-Lease during World War II. The silver was promptly built into warships and sent into harm's way. The upshot was that silver certificates were backed by unrecoverable silver in the form of bearing and wiring aboard warships exposed to enemy fire.(At that time all the $1 and $5 bills in circulation were silver certificates, to the exclusion of Federal Reserve notes.) Nobody in authority batted an eyelid upon turning the legend into a cruel joke on the face of every one dollar bill, sporting a portrait of George Washington: "This certifies that there is on deposit in the Treasury of the United States of America one dollar in silver payable to bearer on demand." Come to think of it, what better way could there be in wartime to protect silver belonging to the creditors of the U.S. government than "storing" it aboard fully armed aircraft carriers? Creditors might sleep undisturbed: the value of the dollar was safe, the silver backing of the dollar was safe, regardless of the war. If the "storehouse" came under enemy fire and the silver was sent to the bottom of the ocean before the Treasury could perform on its promise to pay it to bearer on demand, well, that's too bad. At any rate, excuse would be readily available: "war is no picnic, you know."

No matter how you torture the facts, the truth of the matter remains: the silver backing the dollar was deliberately exposed to annihilation, rendering the legend on paper money utterly mendacious and dishonest.

"Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi"

The Latin proverb translates into English as saying: "What Jupiter May, Oxen May Not" Lest my story of the silver charade be dismissed as a product of fantasy, I wish to document it. For background I turn to an editorial in the August 4, 1942, issue of The New York Times.

"One of the strangest episodes of the war is government hoarding of silver. That metal has suddenly come into great demand. It is needed as a substitute for copper, zinc, and nickel. It is also needed for a wide variety of new war purposes. The use of silver bearings in airplanes, for example, makes possible increased speed and greater ability to withstand shock and vibration. Silver and its alloys go into the manufacture of shells, bombs, tanks, torpedoes, trucks, and ships. So great is the present demand for the metal that the War Production Board has just issued orders severely rationing the amount of silver available for industrial purposes. And all this time the Government of the U.S. has in its vaults more than 3 billion ounces of unused silver - sixty times an average year's production - of which it is making no use whatsoever.

"This remarkable situation is the result of the adoption by Congress of the Silver Purchase Act of 1934, which compelled the Treasury to buy silver - both domestic and foreign - until the monetary stocks of the U.S. consisted of one-third silver and two-thirds gold. The theoretical purpose of this law was "to provide a wider backing" for American currency. Its actual purpose was, of course, to line the pockets of the Silver States. For eight years - and in recent years over its own protest - the Treasury has been forced to buy and store underground gigantic quantities of an unneeded metal at prices far above the current market price. Now the unneeded metal suddenly has become immensely useful - not as a "backing" for our currency but for purposes of war. And the obviously sensible thing to do would be to release from the Treasury the vast stocks of metal held for "monetary" purposes which is a sham. But the Silver Senators say no.

"So we arrive at a situation in which the same government that urges a patriotic public not to hoard sugar, not to hoard rubber, not to hoard gasoline, not to hoard useful goods of any kind, itself hoards a metal which is needed for planes and shells and tanks and ships. It is a fantastic situation. . ."

Three months later, on October 31, in another editorial the same paper noted that President Roosevelt has expressed his displeasure over the existence of very large hoards of critical material that owners refuse to sell at fair prices. The paper continued:

"We know there is a very large hoard, virtually a monopoly, of an important metal needed in war work. This hoard amounts all told to nearly 3 billion ounces. The owner acquired it at average prices of less than 50 cents an ounce, but will not sell it for less than $1.29 an ounce, although the market price until recently has been only 35 cents an ounce. Meanwhile this metal is needed in the manufacture of ships, airplanes, tanks, trucks, guns, shells, bombs, torpedoes, and other war equipment. It is needed as a substitute for copper, tin, and other metals now scarce. It is used to make airplane bearings, photographic films, surgical materials, and pharmaceutical products.

"This metal is silver. The hoarder is the United States Government."

Yes, indeed. Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi.

The miracle of silver present at two different places at the same time

No fewer than eleven bills dealing with silver, and how Treasury stocks of it might be made available to help the war effort, had been introduced in Congress. The lucky one that eventually made it after the Senate passed it on June 18, the House on July 5, and the president signed it into law on July 12, 1943, was the Green Silver bill S. 35. It did not provide for retirement of any silver certificates as silver held or owned by the U.S. was being released for war purposes. It was designed to let the same silver to be present in two different places at the same time. The actual wording, somewhat ambiguous, was that "at all times the ownership and the possession or control of an amount of silver of a monetary value equal to the face amount of all outstanding silver certificates heretofore or hereafter issued by the Secretary of the Treasury shall be maintained by the Treasury." Senator Green, in answering questions about the meaning of these and other words in the bill, said that "under the provisions of the bill it will be possible for the Treasury to take silver now retained for silver certificates, and which cannot be used for any other purpose, and use it for non-consumptive purposes." (Hearings of October 14, 1942, as reported in the Minutes, p. 11.) Senator Green went on to say that "It will make it possible to use silver now buried and used solely as security for silver certificates, and to transfer it from underground, where it serves no other purpose, to places where it will serve non-consumptive purposes. . . I cannot see where it would be any less security for the silver dollar if it is in a government-controlled electrical establishment than if it is underground at West Point." (Ibid. p 14.)

Dishonest and phony promises

It seems clear from this that the Green Bill proposed the use of the silver held against silver certificates for non-consumptive purposes and at the same time for "security" behind silver certificates. Under this arrangement the silver certificates were not redeemable into silver. They became dishonest and "phony" in every respect. If silver busbars in electrical plants (used as conductors to withstand very great electrical current) can serve as reserves of silver certificates, then so can unmined silver in the mines, including mines in the Moon. So can silver held in vaults abroad. For good measure, so can silver that has been sold to foreign governments. Since the government has engaged in this type of currency manipulation, to issue paper money carrying promises that cannot possibly be fulfilled, it has created a precedent which can be used in the future to issue obligations that the Treasury has neither the means nor the intention to fulfill. Legislators have sunk to a new low level of degradation in dealing with the public.

The manner in which the issue of dishonesty was avoided in passing the Green Bill was peculiar and disturbing. It suggested that there was an intent "to put over a fast one" on the American people. It has since become a regular feature of monetary legislation in the United States. As a result, the once mighty dollar was reduced from a definite promise to pay a definite quantity of monetary metal of definite quality, first, to a phony promise that was impossible to fulfill. From there it was only a short step to reduce the dollar further to a scrap of paper promising, as a Federal Reserve note does, to pay nothing. And this is exactly what it will be worth in the fullness of times.

Moral bankruptcy

We must see the Green Silver Act for what it is: the first step on the way to hell. It is a disgraceful piece of legislation, opening the way toward moral bankruptcy in the administration of the nation's currency. This lack of respect for the importance of maintaining the integrity of government promises where the people's money is concerned fully exhausts the meaning of dishonesty, fraud, and chicanery. It is tantamount to the rape of the American Constitution.

Not a single voice was raised in Congress or in Administration circles against this sorry piece of business. When a government begins to write false promises on the people's money it is notifying the world in unmistakable terms of the extent to which it is marked by the rot of moral bankruptcy. Soon enough, financial bankruptcy may follow.

For over sixty years after the Green Silver Act, America has been fortunate enough to escape that fate. This should not give it comfort. America has never been closer to fully-fledged financial bankruptcy than it is right now, an event for which the banks, businesses, and the people at large are ill prepared, making the coming shock even more devastating. The economists' and financial journalists' profession bears responsibility for failure to forewarn and forearm the public. Short of a miracle, America cannot avoid its fate: credit collapse, the vanishing of the value of dollar and all dollar-denominated assets such as bank notes, deposits, bonds, insurance policies, and pension rights.

"Help yourself to fire and brimstone"

My critics set great store by the openness in the administration of the currency. They point out that the debates about the wisdom of selling or leasing silver encumbered by silver certificates in support of the war effort was carried out in the light of full publicity. Opponents were given full opportunity to argue their case against the measure.

Unfortunately, soon enough, currency management was to become top secret. I close my essay with another quotation, this one from the October 28, 1945, issue of The New York Herald Tribune.

"In making the atomic bomb, the Army needed silver for giant current carriers known as busbars. The Treasury had a lot of silver it wasn't using, so the Army borrowed 400 million troy ounces.

"The Treasury puts out a daily statement about where its silver is, and prides itself on its honesty. The necessity for Army secrecy posed a problem. Fortunately, silver also was being leased to the Office of Defense Plants and other agencies. So the daily Treasury report stated the number of ounces 'held by the Office of Defense Plants, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, etc.'

"The little word 'etc.' was big enough to cover the atomic bomb. Luckily, nobody asked the Treasury what it meant."

Fancy bearers of silver certificates turning up at the Treasury and demanding delivery of silver. Fancy they being taken to Los Alamos, shown a pile of radioactive debris, and told: "Help yourself!"

NOTA : Berita terkini bahawa China merupakan pengeluar dan penyimpan stok perak tersebar dunia......mungkin lebih 1 bilion oz.......bila lagi umat Islam ( 1 bilion orang) bangun dari mimpi dibuai sistem wang/bank riba/kertas. Adakah kita lebih yakin kepada Wahyu Ilahi dan Sunnah Rasul daripada sistem diatas ? Kembali lah kepada Dinar dan Dirham sebagai senjata jihad akhir zaman.....kebebasan dari riba dan dominasi sistem kuffar.....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Malaysia Lebih Miskin Emas Dari Filipina ?

Tahukah anda mengapa Malaysia lebih miskin simpanan mas dari Filipina ? Kurang yakin dan percaya. Pemimpin dan gabenor BN kurang bijak, lebih yakin dengan wang kertas US/Euro ?

Here is a list of the top 20 gold holding 16 Mac 2011.

Rank Country Gold(tonnes)

1. United States United States 10,792.6
2. Germany Germany 3,401.8
3. Italy Italy 2,451.8
4. France France 2,435.4
5. People's Republic of China China 1,054.1
6. Switzerland Switzerland 1,040.1
7. Russia Russia 775.2
8. Japan Japan 765.2
9. Netherlands Netherlands 612.5
10. India India 557.7
11. Republic of China Taiwan 423.6
12. Portugal Portugal 382.5
13. Venezuela Venezuela 363.9
14. Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 322.9
15. United Kingdom United Kingdom 310.3
16. Lebanon Lebanon 286.8
17. Spain Spain 281.6
18. Austria Austria 280.0
19. Belgium Belgium 227.5
20. Philippines Philippines 175.9

Persoalan dimanakah kedudukan emas Malaysia ? Tak sampai RM1.0 bilion atau kurang dari 10 tan metrik mengikut sumber tak rasmi IMF. Nilai 1 tan emas = RM180 juta ( US 1800/oz). Ini bermakna Malaysia lebih miskin/rendah sebanyak 17 kali dari Filipina ! (Simpanan 175 tan= RM31.5 bilion ).

Negara Lebanon yang kecik dan penduduk 4.5 juta pun ada simpanan mas =300 tan (RM54.0 bilion, malu Bank Negara Malaysia hanya ada RM1.0 bilion mas ! walaupun simpanan wang asing mencecah RM400 b atau US 135 b.

Jika Malaysia simpan 100 tan pada tahun 2008, nilai emasnya pada tahun 2011 telah naik lebih 3 kali, gain of 300% ikut harga pasaran. Semua ini gara-gara tidak mematuhi, beriman dan yakin dengan wahyu Tuhan yang menetapkan zakat dan wang shariah dalam mas dan perak. Bukan sistem wang kertas, bank, saham, spekulasi, hutang, kredit, bon, sukuk dan bunga-riba.

Lost of Zakat and Pseudo Muslim States

Foremost among them is the present dislocated political situation of the Muslims throughout the world. As long as the Dar-al-Islam remained a unified political reality the institution of zakat retained its integral role as part of the economic fabric of Muslim society. With the fall of the Khalifate, however, under the treacherous onslaught of Arab and Turkish constitutionalists and nationalists assisted and egged on by their kafir paymasters, and the subsequent dismemberment of the Muslim Ummah, the shari'a lost its central position in Muslim society and one of the major casualties of this was the institution of zakat.

The new post-colonial "Muslim" nation states were all founded upon kafir constitutions. All constitutions in the world are based on three universal pillars that preserve capitalism as the motor of the political and economic system. Those three pillars are:

1.Central Bank
2.Law of Legal Tender
3.National Debt

These three elements are alien to Islam and forbidden by the Sharia. The first one institutionalises the banks even in so-called Islamic constitutions. The existence of the Central Bank, which is the mother of riba institutions in every Muslim country guarantees the preservation in the law, of all other banks. The Law of Legal Tender, is against the fundamental principle of trade in the Shariah, that stands for “a an tarad dim minkum”, that is, [trading] with mutual consent. It is forbidden in Islam to impose any particular merchandise as a means of payment, even the Dinar. The fundamental principle that governs ALL commercial transactions is freedom to choose. Thus the present system of paper money which has no value other than by the compulsion of the State is in direct conflict with the fundamentals of freedom.

Legal Tender Law guarantees that the population is enslaved through inflation to a system of credit money dominated by the banks. The system also preserves the domination of foreign currencies in the international arena. And the Law of National Debt makes every citizen liable to the debt incurred by the State. This, needless to say, not only is forbidden because the debt carries riba, but as a principle making somebody else liable to someone else's debt has no basis in Islam.

This constitutional model has served to preserve capitalism as the ruling mechanism of our economic life. This inevitably denied zakat its vital fiscal status and turned it into the matter of private personal piety. But zakat is definitively a political matter not a private one. It is a matter of the public sphere not the private sphere. Its collection and distribution are a matter of Muslim governance not private charity. This cannot be overstated because not only has zakat now been removed from the public arena but nearly all the Muslims think that this is the way things should be. This is categorically not the case. Failure to grasp this has been a main contributory factor to the political weakness of the Muslims in the world today.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fatwa Ulama Salaf Mengenai Wang Kertas dan Zakat

(Dari bicaraiman.blogspot)

Ada tersebut didalam Kitab Shamsul Asyhraq karangan al 'alamah Shaikh Ali Al Maliki pada m/s 60 katanya " Dan demikian lagi bersangatan Alim Shaikh Muhammad 'illisyh (Mufti al-Azhar sebelum Mesir dijajah British pada 1800an) tatkala ditanya akan dia daripada kertas yang ada padanya chap Sultan dan bermuamalah denga dia, berjualbeli dengan dia semacam dirham - dirham dan dinar - dinar. Adakah diberi zakatnya sebagai zakat 'ain atau semacam zakat mata benda perniagaan atau tiada wajib zakat padanya ?

Menjawab ia dalam Kitab Fatwanya , Fathul 'ala al Malik, berpegang ia bagi riwayat yang kedua yang muktamad pada mazhab Malilki ia jawab dengan nasnya tiada wajib zakat padanya yakni tiada wajib zakat pada wang kertas ".

Ada pun pada mazhab Shafie maka tiada wajib zakat wang kertas sama ada disimpan dirumahnya atau di tabung haji atau di bank atau diberi orang berhutang, tiada wajib zakatnya melainkan jika dimilik wang kertas itu dengan mu'awadhah serta diniat tatkala itu hendak buat berniaga denga dia. Maka apabila sampai harganya 200 dirham dan cukup 12 bulan arabiyah maka ketika itu wajib dikeluarkan zakatnya, zakat mata perniagaan, bukan zakat 'ain wang kertas iaitu zakatnya 1/40.

Dan berkata Shaikh Ahmad Khatib iaitu didalam Kitabnya Mazhab Shafie pada m/s 46 artinya :

" Bahkan jika berkehendak oleh seorang mengeluarkan zakat daripadanya wang kertas nescaya tiada sah ia dan lagi haram mengeluarkan zakat wang kertas kerana padanya yakni pada mengeluarkan zakat wang kertas itu jadi mengerjakan ibadat yang fasidah, ibadah yag tidak terpakai, sia - sia dan lagi buat zalim akan tuan - tuan harta dengan memperwajibkan barang yang tiada wajib atas mereka itu dan memakan akan harta manusia denga jalan yang bathil, makan dengan jalan yang haram. Maka jikalau begitu tidak beri zakat wang kertas itu boleh pahala kerana jika meninggal barang yang haram dengan niat ikut perintah syarak itu boleh pahala ".

Ramai Ulamak - Ulamak yang menghukum wang kertas itu semacam wang tembaga. maka tiada wajib zakatnya pada mazhab shafie. Antaranya :

1. Al 'alamah Shaikhul Islam Negeri Mesir masa dahulu ialah Muhammmad Anba bi iaitu guru bagi as Saiyid Ahmad Bek al Husaini.
2. Al ' alamah Shaikh Hasbullah , ulamak besar Mekah di zamannya.
3. Al 'alamah As Saiyid Abdullah bin Abi Bakar.
4. Al ' alamah Shaikh muhammad I'jaz Hussain.
5. Al 'alamah Shaikh Muhammad Nazri Ali.
6. Al ' alamah Shaikh Muhammad Irshad Hussain.
7. Al ' alamah Shaikh Muhammad Abdul Qadir.
8.Al ' alamah Shaikh Muhammad Inayatullah.
9. Al ' alamah Shaikh Abdul Jalil.
10. Al Mufti Shaikh Muhammad 'Illisyh.
11. Al ' alamah Shaikh Muhammad Khatib

Telah menyebut nama - nama ulamak - ulamak yang tersebut itu oleh Syaikh Ali al Maliki didalam kitabnya Shamsul Asyhraq.

12. Al 'alamah Shaikh Ali Al Maliki.
13 Shaikhul Islam Kedah Al Haj Wan Sulaiman iaitu semasa dia muda dahulu.
14. Shaikh Al Haj Wan Ahmad Bermin Fathani.

15. Tuan Guru Shaikh saya ( Ayah Chik ) Shaikh Al Haj Abdullah Fahim , Mufti Pulau Pinang. Pada masa itu dia belum menjadi mufti dan dia menyuruh saya berpegang dengan barang yang didalam Kitab Iqna' an nufus yang saya mengaji padanya itu kitab dan dia khabar kepada saya, Shaikh Ahmad Khatib itu ia kata guru aku dan Shaikh Ali Al Maliki itu sahabat aku.

Ramai Ulamak mengaku sah dan betul barang yang tersebut didalam kitab Shamsul Asyhraq serta memberi puji pujian mengatakan elok dan betul barang yang tersebut didalam kitab tersebut.

Pertamanya : Maulana Hujjatul Ummah Qadhi al Qadha' wal mufti al ahnaf bil Aqthoril arabiah bil Makkah wa raisul ulama' al 'alam , al 'alamah Abdullah bin Abdurrahman Siraj. Kedua : Al 'alamah Shaikh Habibullah Al jaki. Ketiga : Al 'alamah Shaikh Ali An Najar. Keempat : Al 'alim Al Fadhil Shaikh Muhammad Abdurrahman As Shanqithi. Keempat : Al 'alim fadhil As Saiyid Thohir Ad dibagh dan demikian juga pada mazhab Hanbali tiada wajib zakat wang kertas .. dari Kitab Shamsul Asyhraq.

Wang kertas itu bukan sanad ad daiyin ertinya bukan surat hutang kerana takrif surat hutang ialah " Kertas yang ditulis padanya akan orang yang berhutang dan orang yang memberi hutang dengan nama kedua - duanya dan hutang apa jenisnya dan sebanyak mana qadarnya dan saksi atasnya dan diberi pegang taruh ditangan oang yang yang beri berhutang ".

Tiada Zakat Gaji/Profesi Dalam Fiqh Islam ?

(Nota: Beginilah ulama modenis membuat fatwa tanpa nas al-Quran dan Sunnah, tanpa merujuk kepada kitab-kitab fiqh muktabar, tanpa musyawarah diperingkat dunia, lalu mengeluarkan fatwa yang mengelirukan dan mengaburi mata umat islam dari kembali kepada zakat wang mas dinar dan dirham perak...berbanding mengagungkan/menghalalkan wang kertas beriba....Nampaknya banyak negara Islam lain mengikut fatwa ini cara buta dan jahil kerana memikirkan 'kesenangan' menggunakan wang kertas. Yang anihnya, nilai/harga pasaran mas dan perak semasa tetap dirujuk sebagai nilai cukup haul setahun untuk bayar zakat gaji dll. )

.....Riwayat-riwayat ini semua membuktikan, bahwa gaji dalam kehidupan umat Islam bukan sesuatu yang baru, akan tetapi, selama 14 abad lamanya tidak pernah ada satu pun ulama yang memfatwakan adanya zakat profesi atau gaji. Ini membuktikan bahwa zakat profesi tidak ada. Yang ada hanyalah zakat mal, yang harus memenuhi dua syarat, yaitu hartanya mencapai nishab dan telah berlalu satu haul (1 tahun).

Oleh karena itu, ulama ahlul-ijtihad yang ada pada zaman kita mengingkari pendapat ini. Salah satunya ialah Syaikh Bin Bâz (Arab Saudi), beliau berkata:

Zakat gaji yang berupa uang, perlu diperinci, bila gaji telah ia terima, lalu berlalu satu tahun dan telah mencapai satu nishab, maka wajib dizakati. Adapun bila gajinya kurang dari satu nishab, atau belum berlalu satu tahun, bahkan ia belanjakan sebelumnya, maka tidak wajib dizakati”.[11]

Fatwa serupa juga telah diedarkan oleh Anggota Tetap Komite Fatwa Kerajaan Saudi Arabia, dan berikut ini fatwanya:

“Sebagaimana telah diketahui bersama, bahwa di antara harta yang wajib dizakati adalah emas dan perak (mata uang). Dan di antara syarat wajibnya zakat pada emas dan perak (uang) adalah berlalunya satu tahun sejak kepemilikan uang tersebut. Mengingat hal itu, maka zakat diwajibkan pada gaji pegawai yang berhasil ditabungkan dan telah mencapai satu nishab, baik gaji itu sendiri telah mencapai satu nishab atau dengan digabungkan dengan uangnya yang lain dan telah berlalu satu tahun. Tidak dibenarkan untuk menyamakan gaji dengan hasil bumi, karena persyaratan haul (berlalu satu tahun sejak kepemilikan uang) telah ditetapkan dalam dalil, sehingga tidak boleh ada Qiyas. Berdasarkan itu semua, maka zakat tidak wajib pada tabungan gaji pegawai hingga telah berlalu satu tahun (haul)”.

Nota 2: Bagaimanakah jika gaji kita cukup haul tetapi hutang masih banyak ? Hutang kereta, hutang pinjaman rumah, hutang kad kredit, hutang beli saham dll ? Bagaimana jika nilai wang kertas negara kita jatuh mendadak, apakah haul/hisab ikut kos hidup atau harga emas/perak berbanding nilai gaji yang susut ? Belum lagi kira inflasi ? Devaluasi ?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Debt Is Money or Banks Bubble Assets ?

"We can no longer borrow dollars. U.S. money-market funds are not lending to us anymore," a bank executive for BNP Paribas, who declines to be named, told me last week. "Since we don't have access to dollars anymore, we're creating a market in euros. This is a first. . . . we hope it will work, otherwise the downward spiral will be hell. We will no longer be trusted at all and no one will lend to us anymore."

He's not the only one worried. Société Générale has lost 22.5% of its value since the beginning of the summer. In early September, BNP released a statement—in English, which is highly unusual—explaining that it has abundant dollar liquidity and that BNP has nothing to worry about, unlike other banks. France's three biggest banks have been the subject of whisper campaigns about their solvency throughout the summer.

On the surface at least, the concerns are hardly groundless. BNP, Société Générale and Crédit Agricole together hold nearly $57 billion in Greek sovereign and private debt, versus $34 billion held by the largest German banks and $14 billion at British banks. And then there is Spain and Italy. French banks held more than €140 billion in total Spanish debt and almost €400 billion in Italian debt as of December, according to the latest figures from the Bank for International Settlements. If either of these governments were to default on their debts, their banking systems could collapse and take the French system along with them. BNP, Société Générale and Credit Agricole all say that their finances are in order and the market worries are unfounded.

But it's difficult for the BNP executive to hide his concern. "Look at the French banks' debt holdings versus those of U.S. banks," he continues. "The total debt of the three big U.S. banks (Bank of America, JP Morgan and Citigroup) is $5.86 trillion, or 39% of GDP, while the debts of BNP, Crédit Agricole and Société Générale come to €4.7 trillion, or 250% of French GDP."

Kerajaan Australia Mendahului 'Negara Islam' Menjual Koin Mas dan Perak

Sungguh memalukan. Tiada sebuah pun negara Islam/OIC mengambil langkah menempa dan menjual Dinar Mas dan Dirham Perak sebagai wang shariah untuk melindungi wang kertas dunia yang kian merudum dan dilanda krisis hutang/bon/kredit macam USD dan Euro. Malaysia ada jual koin Kijang Mas melalui Bank Negara (terhad melalui Maybank) tapi tidak mematuhi standard Dinar dalam sejarah dan hukum fiqh Islam. Kerajaan Australia Barat adalah rakan seperjuangan kita dalam memerangi sistem kewangan ribawi antarabangsa dengan menempa koin mas dan perak untuk manusia yang bebas berfikir dan memilih wang fitra. Sila baca.


Today we officially unveil the designs for the five series comprising the 2012 Australian Gold and Silver Bullion Coin Program. (Watch the video below.)

With availability staggered over three months, the key launch dates are as follows:

2012 Australian Lunar Gold & Silver
1 September 2011
2012 Australian Kookaburra
1 September 2011
2012 Australian Kangaroo Gold 1 October 2011
2012 Australian Koala Silver 1 November 2011

The 2012 Australian Lunar gold and silver bullion coins celebrate the Year of the Dragon.

Anticipation surrounding these Lunar Dragon coins has been at fever-pitch for some months. As a result of the expected popularity of some coins, the following restrictions apply to purchases made via or in person at the Bullion Desk in The Perth Mint Shop.

•1oz Lunar Dragon gold bullion coin (max. mintage 30,000) – No more than five coins per customer.

•1oz Lunar Dragon silver bullion coin (max. mintage 300,000) – No more than 20 coins per customer.

No restrictions apply to 1kg, 10oz, 2oz, 1/2oz, 1/4oz, 1/10oz or 1/20oz gold bullion Lunar Dragon coins; or 1kg, 10oz, 5oz, 2oz or 1/2oz silver bullion Lunar Dragon coins.

The 2012 Australian Kookaburra silver bullion coins portray a kookaburra sitting on a tree branch amid eucalypt leaves.

Once again, the 1oz Kookaburra silver bullion coin is expected to be highly sought after. In 2011, the full 500,000 mintage sold out at The Perth Mint.

2012 Australian Kookaburra silver bullion coins are also issued in 1kg and 10oz weights.

Brochures containing full details of the 2012 Lunar and Kookaburra series, as well as the forthcoming 2012 Australian Kangaroo gold bullion coin series and 2012 Australian Koala silver bullion coin series are now available for download.

2012 Gold Bullion Coins 2012 Silver Bullion Coins

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Riba Dalam Pasaran Komoditi Dunia : Mangsa Pengeluar Tembaga

(Nota: 1.13 bilion tan tembaga dijual atas angin (lebih US 20 bilion/hari), melebihi 71 kali pengeluaran dunia ! Inilah sistem riba/dajjal yang membenarkan pasaran hadapan komoditi-legalized usury/theft of world natural resources. Yang rugi, negara pengeluar sebenar.

Malaysia telahpun kehabisan bijih timah pada tahun 1990an selepas 50 tahun melombong (anggaran 30,000 tan/tahun dan lebih 1.5 juta tan metrik dieksport. Jika dikira harga sekarang RM190,000/tan, maka hasil timah yang hilang/ambil oleh penjajah/tauke barat adalah RM190,000 x 1.5 tan = RM285.0 bilion ! )

In northern Chile, on the high plateau of the bone-dry Atacama Desert, machines have cut a giant hole in the Earth's crust. The crater is three kilometers (1.9 miles) wide and almost 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) deep. It grows larger every day. And as it grows, the Chilean state becomes wealthier.

The mine on the edge of the Andes is called Chuquicamata. It belongs to the state-owned copper mining company CODELCO and is 700 kilometers (435 miles) from the San Jose mine, where 33 trapped miners were rescued last week. Six percent of all copper produced worldwide comes from Chuquicamata, one of the world's largest open pit mines.

Excavators dig through the rock with massive shovels the size of small houses, loading the copper ore onto trucks custom-made for the mine, each weighing up to 400 tons. With their engines roaring, they creep up through the hairpin curves of the road leading out of the pit. The ascent takes 45 minutes.

At the top, the ore is ground into powder, in a process yielding one ton of pure copper for every 100 tons of ore. On this particular day, a ton of copper sells for about $8,100 (€5,844) on the commodities exchanges, according to the current price CODELCO manager Rodrigo Toro sees on his computer screen. Only 24 hours earlier, the price was almost $200 higher. "The market has become very volatile," he says.

Wild Ups and Downs

Toro's office is about 1,200 kilometers south of Chuquicamata, on the 10th floor of the CODELCO headquarters building in Santiago, the executive floor. Everything here is made of copper, from the counter in the lobby to the handrails and the elevators. Metal fibers are even woven into the towels in the bathrooms.

In the past, it would have taken weeks for the market price to move as much as it did on this single day. A price change of that magnitude would have had Toro and his fellow executives deeply concerned. There would have been talk of a warning signal for the global economy. But today no one is surprised by these wild ups and downs.

This year, the price went from $6,400 in February to $8,000 in April, then plunged to $6,100 and is currently rushing back up toward $8,900, which would be an all-time high. The metal has become an object of speculation, and the copper business a playing field for deep-pocketed gamblers. Price movements have less and less to do with the product itself. In fact, the prices are set elsewhere -- in New York, for example.

Going Long or Short

In Manhattan, only one block from Ground Zero, 12 men are sitting at a round table in a windowless room. If it weren't for the countless flashing screens and electronic display panels, they might resemble a group of old men who had gathered to play poker. But these men are copper traders who have gathered at the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the world's largest physical commodity futures exchange.

They trade in futures contracts, or agreements that obligate them to sell highly pure copper at a fixed price on a specific date. Each contract represents about 11 tons, with a current market value of roughly $95,000.

Sometimes they go "long," which means betting that prices will rise. Or they take short positions when they expect prices to fall. These traders no longer have any interest whatsoever in the metal itself.

Traders today deal in unimaginable sums worldwide, with securities worth more than $20 billion changing hands every day. Last year, copper futures corresponding to 1.13 billion tons were traded on the world's four largest copper exchanges, in London, New York, Shanghai and Mumbai. It was 71 times as much copper as the industry actually produced in the same period.

US Gold Reserves at Fort Knox - Harmful Fact/Secrets ?

No one really knows how much (or how little) gold still remains in the hands of the Manipulators. For example, the United States claims to have the world's largest stockpile of gold. The problem is that for over 50 years it has refused to allow any independent audit of these supposed reserves (see “GATA seeks an audit of MYTHICAL Fort Knox gold”).

A stockpile of gold is not like some secret, weapons facility, where simply allowing someone to see it could cause some sort of “threat to national security”. If the U.S. hoard of gold actually existed, it is in the nature of Americans to want to show it off to anyone and everyone in the world. The obvious conclusion is that only a tiny fraction of this gold remains (if any, at all).

In fact, the U.S. no longer even describes the supposed hoard of gold at Fort Knox as “gold reserves”, but instead it calls its holdings gold reserves and gold swaps. In other words, we have no idea of how much of this one-time hoard has been “loaned” to bullion-banks who cannot possibly replace that gold, and how much of the gold stored at Fort Knox officially belongs to other governments. All we know is that the truth would be extremely harmful to the Manipulators – which is why the actual amount of U.S. gold still held at Fort Knox which actually belongs to the U.S. is a closely-guarded state secret.

It is precisely at the time that Western sales of gold are rapidly falling toward zero that central banks in Asia, the Middle East, South America, and even Europe have suddenly started buying gold – while ridding themselves of their soon-to-be-worthless U.S. dollars, in the process.

US Mint reported a gold reserve of 247 million oz at Fort Knox or 7,940 tonne. How true, nobody knows. At current price of US 1800/oz, this represent a value of USD 444.6 billion only !

Debt of US, Gold and Real Economy of China

The head of state-owned Chinese rating agency Dagong, Guan Jianzhong, 57, speaks to SPIEGEL about China's economic model, why he believes the rating system used by the Big Three is a threat to the world and the twilight of Western dominance.

SPIEGEL: Will China invest less in US bonds from now on?

Guan: I personally think it's unsafe to invest in US bonds. It is too risky. But the Chinese government might have considerations other than just economic risk. In terms of pure investment, however, it is not a wise decision any longer.

SPIEGEL: Both the US and Europe are struggling with a massive debt crisis. Is this the end of Western dominance?

Guan: The EU and the United States both have this model of borrowing money to boost their economic development. But they borrow money from the future, they mortgage a virtual fortune that they may -- or may not -- earn for their creditworthiness and their current consumption.

This has been their model since World War II, but this model ended in the financial crisis of 2008. Continuously creating demand for credit to enlarge capital and cash flow has used up their creditworthiness.

This means the model of economic development in developed Western capitalist countries has ended. It leads to another question: Should the government keep borrowing money to support its citizens in consuming much more and maintain high social standards? I think the answer is no.

SPIEGEL: Do you think China's model is better?

Guan: China is characterized by a real economy, unlike like the United States, which mainly depends on the financial industry. Though China's financial industry is developing, China relies on its real economy to create value and money. If we can draw some lessons from the Western experience, we should insist on letting real economy create value and money while discouraging the Chinese from borrowing too much money.

Note: photo of china panda gold and silver real money 1 oz.

Here another hot news below :

It turns out that there is also “advertising” for gold and silver in China, too. The big difference here is that it is China's government which is advertising the “opportunities” in gold and silver and it is urging the Chinese people to buy gold and silver.

An article from mining web-site, Mineweb quotes a program which appears on China's largest (state-owned) television company, promoting bullion-buying in general, but stressing that silver is currently the best value for investors (no surprise to regular readers):

China has introduced its first ever investment opportunity for silver bullion. The bars are available in 500g, 1kg, 2kg and 5kg with a purity of 99.9%. Figures show that gold was fifty times more expensive in 2007 but now that figure has reached over seventy times. Analysts say that silver has been undervalued in recent years. They add that the metal is the right investment for individual investors and could be a good way to cash in.

It is only in the last three years that the Chinese government significantly relaxed the rules for precious metals buying for its citizens. Given that the Chinese people (like most of Asia) already had a greater appetite for gold and silver than people in most Western nations, the explicit urging by the government itself for people to load up on bullion clearly implies the expectation of a strong future for precious metals. With a population greater than 20% of the world's total and an abundance of savings, this could easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy – especially given the tiny size of the precious metals market, relative to many other commodities.

It is also clear that China is literally “putting its money where its mouth is.” China has devoted an enormous amount of resources building up its domestic gold mining industry, soaring to #1 in the world this decade, and it recently stunned the world with the announcement of a huge increase in its official, national holdings (see “China now has 5th largest gold reserves”).

China's gold reserves jumped by 76% from its last announcement in 2002 – up to 1,054 tons. Given that official government purchases on the open market are recorded and announced, this means that rather than buying all that gold openly on the market (which would have driven up the price while they were buying) China has been accumulating gold surreptitiously, through buying up its domestic production – strongly suggesting that ramping-up its gold production was part of a long-term strategic plan to become one of the world's largest (if not the largest) holder of gold among governments.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Demokrasi, Wang Riba, Bank dan Banjir Besar

1. "Demokrasi adalah malapetaka bagi planet bumi-manusia" (sebab boleh dimanipulasi oleh elit banker)

2. "Wang kertas (riba) tiada apa-apa sandaran dan nilainya dibawah kuasa ahli politik (kufar/banker) sebagai satu cukai tersembunyi dan jalan kearah kekacauan sosial" ...bila rakyat memberontak.

3. Kerajaan AS telah bangkrap sebenarnya (hutang USD 14.5 trillion...sama besarnya jika wang kertas USD100/keping ditimbunkan dalam 15 kali padang bola sepak dan setinggi 2 meter ! )

(Nota: lambat laun 'banjir besar" macam zaman nabi Nuh a.s akan melanda ekonomi dunia. Bila lagi umat, pemimpin, pemikir, ahli politikus muslim bangkit bersuara dan berjihad ? )

Ini dia suara www.dollar/vigilante bertarikh 7 Sept.2011 oleh Jeff Berwick:.....

Meanwhile, in Switzerland, where UBS is based, the Swiss Government finally couldn't take it anymore and they effectively devalued the Swiss Franc. The Swiss National Bank warned that it would no longer allow one Swiss franc to be worth more than €0.83 - equivalent to SFr1.20 to the euro.

In effect, they are pegging the value of the Swiss franc to the euro. Yes, the euro which as we just discussed, is on the verge of complete collapse. Talk about hitching your wagon...

Isn't living in this fiat currency world fun? We live in a time where democracies are the scourge of the planet and, at the same time, currencies are tied to nothing and completely at the mercy of politicians who constantly devalue their currency in a misguided effort to get an export advantage and to take advantage of the hidden tax of inflation to keep their social programs and wars going until they can get out of office.

Is it any wonder gold is bumping up near $2,000/oz?

After all, where else are people going to go to hide from the coming fiat currency collapse? The euro is on it's death bed. The Swiss National Bank just announced that the Swiss franc will go down with the euro if need be. The US Government is already beyond bankrupt and the Federal Reserve has been Quantitatively Easing the dollar into worthlessness and they are both just hoping the euro goes first so they can blame the whole train wreck on them.

All of these central banks and governments have the same two options. Allow their currencies or governments to collapse. Or, inflate their currencies a little while longer and hope to get out of office soon before the whole thing comes crashing down in a smoking pile.

Friday, September 2, 2011

How Large Is US Debt ? A Riba Monster !

At the time of writing this article (1 June 2009), the current US Federal Debt stands at $11.3 trillion. The sheer magnitude of that figure is difficult to comprehend.

In order to illustrate just how large that number is, consider the following...

The size of a dollar bill is 6.6294 cm wide, by 15.5956 cm long, and 0.010922 cm in thickness. It would take approximately 96,721,648 dollar bills to make up one square kilometre.

The volume taken up by these dollar bills would be 12,745,078 cubic meters. This would fill nearly 96% of the largest building in the world, the Boeing Plant in Everett, Washington designed to assemble Boeing 747 planes.

If we were to cover an area with enough dollar bills equal to the current US debt it would have an area of 116,692 square kilometres which would more than cover the entire state of Ohio!

When stacked, the number of dollar bills required to represent the US debt would be 1,232,724 km high. This is over three times the average distance to the moon!

Laid end to end the dollar bills would measure 1,760,216,577 km which is longer than the distance of Saturn at its furthest distance from the Sun. The next furthest planet, Uranus, is 2.974 million kilometers away from the sun (about $19.1 trillion required).

Thought of in this context, we can truly say that the US debt is astronomical!